What is the difference between narcissistic personality disorder and histrionic

A histrionic person will make hasty choices, will believe there are relations when there are none and that a few relations are very intimate when they are not. A histrionic person will also be dramatic, gullible and have little sense of accountability or self realization. A narcissistic person believes that he or she is superior to others, either by the virtue of some accomplishment or due to their own thinking. Such a person believes others to be beneath him or her.

A narcissistic person also craves for attention but instead of taking the histrionic route, he or she would demand the attention and will also believe that there is enough attention due to their superiority. Common Symptoms and Characteristics Most symptoms or characteristics of these disorders are regarded by ordinary people as character traits. So what are personality disorders exactly?

Personality disorders describe ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving that contribute to the way a person interacts with the world. Unlike other psychiatric disorders e. Although people with these diagnoses share several characteristics, there are important differences between these disorders. People with Cluster B diagnoses tend to have problems with emotional regulation and impulse control. People diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder often believe they deserve special treatment; they tend to have substantial problems with their sense of self-worth, which comes from their prevailing sense of entitlement.

People with Histrionic Disorder, on the other hand, are often characterized as having a pattern of extreme emotionality and attention seeking, and are often uncomfortable when they are not the center of attention. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is generally characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity and a firm belief that one is better than everyone else.

This may include the following symptoms:. However, they often strive to fit in and be part of the group. For instance, they will fall in love fast and will also take it hard when the relationship ends. They may also seek treatment for clinical depression when their relationships die. People suffering from HPD also constantly change jobs as they can quickly become bored and frustrated. They also crave excitement and can also place themselves in risky situations to acquire it.

HPD can be caused by childhood trauma such as death or illness in the family. Genetics is also considered as one of the causes for the disorder. Psychologist Theodore Million classifies the disorder into six subtypes. Wikipedia lists the subtypes as:. Psychotherapy is one of the most effective ways to treat the disorder. Cognitive therapy is one of the therapies that are used when dealing with HPD.

Medication may also be used in order to treat some symptoms such as depression. Narcissistic personality disorder is a medical condition in which a person exhibits unstable and intense emotions.

The patient has an abnormal love of self and believes he is superior and important compared to others. Histrionic personality disorder is a medical condition in which a person exhibits excessive emotionality, need for approval, attention-seeking and seductive behavior. They have a high need for attention and will do anything to acquire it.

Reacting to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation, taking advantage of others to reach own goals, exaggerating own importance, achievements, and talents, imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, etc. Constantly seeking reassurance or approval, excessive dramatics with exaggerated displays of emotion, excessive sensitivity to criticism or disapproval, inappropriately seductive appearance or behavior, overly concerned with physical appearance, tendency to believe that relationships are more intimate than they actually are, self-centeredness, uncomfortable when not the center of attention, low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification, rapidly shifting emotional states that appear shallow to others, opinions are easily influenced by other people, but difficult to back up with details.

An oversensitive temperament at birth, overindulgence and overvaluation by parents, valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem, excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback, unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents, severe emotional abuse in childhood, being praised for perceived exceptional looks or talents by adults, learning manipulative behaviors from parent.

Childhood trauma, death in the family, lack of love as a child and genetics are some of the causes of HPD. Unprincipled narcissist, Amorous narcissist, Compensatory narcissist, Elitist narcissist and Fanatic narcissist. The DSM Fourth Edition lists the symptoms as: Reacting to criticism with anger, shame, or humiliation Taking advantage of others to reach own goals Exaggerating own importance, achievements, and talents Imagining unrealistic fantasies of success, beauty, power, intelligence, or romance Requiring constant attention and positive reinforcement from others Becoming jealous easily Lacking empathy and disregarding the feelings of others Being obsessed with self Pursuing mainly selfish goals Trouble keeping healthy relationships Becoming easily hurt and rejected Setting goals that are unrealistic Wanting "the best" of everything Appearing unemotional There are no known causes of the NPD; however, psychologists Leonard C.

The list of causes is as follows: An oversensitive temperament at birth Excessive admiration that is never balanced with realistic feedback Excessive praise for good behaviors or excessive criticism for bad behaviors in childhood Overindulgence and overvaluation by parents, other family members, or peers Being praised for perceived exceptional looks or abilities by adults Severe emotional abuse in childhood Unpredictable or unreliable caregiving from parents Valued by parents as a means to regulate their own self-esteem Theodore Million divided the NPD into five subtypes.

Wikipedia lists these subtypes as: Unprincipled narcissist — including antisocial features. A charlatan who is a fraudulent, exploitative, deceptive and unscrupulous individual. Amorous narcissist — including histrionic features. The Don Juan or Casanova of our times who is erotic, exhibitionist. Compensatory narcissist — including negativistic passive-aggressive , avoidant features.


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