What should i vote in referendum

Share this page Follow Ballotpedia. What's on your ballot? Jump to: navigation , search. Ballot Basics Amendments Citizen initiatives Indirect initiative Legislative referrals Convention referrals Statutes Citizen initiatives Indirect initiative Legislative referrals Advisory question Automatic ballot referral Bond issue Combined Commission referred Recall Veto referendum A referendum may refer to a veto referendum also called citizen referendum, statute referendum, statute remand, popular referendum, people's veto, or citizen's veto or legislative referendum also called a legislative referral.

Voter information What's on my ballot? Where do I vote? How do I register to vote? How do I request a ballot? When do I vote? A citizens initiated referendum can be held with a general election or at a stand-alone poll. It can also be held by postal vote. The referendum will ask voters a question. There is often strong public debate on a referendum question.

The results of a citizens initiated referendum are indicative only — they are not binding. A government initiated referendum can be held with a general election, at a stand-alone poll or by postal vote.

The government must pass legislation to enable the referendum to be held, unless the referendum is conducted by postal vote. Shortly before polling day, you will be notified of the day and approximate time when a special presiding officer will call to you at the hospital or nursing home to allow you to vote.

This official will show you evidence of their identity and an appointment warrant when they arrive. They will be accompanied by a Garda, whose role is to guard the ballot papers in the same way as in a polling station and to act as an independent witness to guarantee that the voting procedure is carried out properly. Only the presiding officer and the Garda can be present when you cast your vote. The presiding officer will give you a declaration of identity, which they will witness for you.

You then mark the ballot paper in secret, place it in the special envelope provided, close the envelope and present it to the presiding officer. If you need help with voting, the special presiding officer will provide it in the same way as at a polling station. There is more information about referendums in general on referendum. If you have a question about this topic you can contact the Citizens Information Phone Service on 07 Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm.

You can also contact your local Citizens Information Centre or Request a call back from an information officer. Introduction To vote in a referendum, you must be an Irish citizen; you must be at least 18 years old and you must be registered to vote. Voting at a polling station On the day of the referendum, you should go to the polling station named on your polling card.

Prohibition on political activity at polling stations Voters should know that political activity is strictly prohibited at polling stations on polling day. Voters with disabilities If you are voting at a polling station, you may be helped to vote in one of 3 ways — by companion voting, by assistance from the presiding officer or by using a tactile ballot paper template — which is available to allow voters with visual impairments to mark their ballot papers at a referendum.

Returning Administrator. Referendum Process Learn more about how ElectionBuddy easily handles all types of voting for your organization. What is a Referendum?

Contract Ratifications, Bylaw Amendments, and Budget Approvals are specific types of Referendums, but a Referendum can be any proposal to your membership. The most well-known examples of Referendums are ones that occur with national governments.


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