What was omar epps name in higher learning

He is approached by Scott Moss Cole Hauser , a member of a group of racist skinheads, who believe that Remy is a perfect candidate to help carry out his group's violent goals. Sign In. Edit Higher Learning Jump to: Summaries 3 Synopsis 1. The synopsis below may give away important plot points. Getting Started Contributor Zone ». It's amazing how it appeared that every white person was either extremely evil, or extremely ignorant, whereas all the blacks are 'underprivileged, victimized, and discriminated against.

There were the poor black students who were discriminated by the campus security, verbally abused by white students, mistreated in class, and continually threatened by the neo-nazis in the school. I thought it was a comedy. My favorite was Omar Epps complaining looking at the statue of Columbus and saying how he Columbus was a trespasser and took the land from the natives.

WOW, that's great!! Thank you, Omar and thank you, Higher Learning!!!! Only see this movie if you're constipated. It'll unblock your bowels in no time. I can't move the mouse cursor down lower than 1 out of 10 vote, so I give it a 1. Which is about 1. Details Edit. Release date January 11, United States. United States. Columbia Pictures New Deal Productions. Box office Edit. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 2 hours 7 minutes.

Related news. Looking through the eyes of the incoming freshmen, we go through the process of moving in, meeting roommates, taking the first classes, and socializing. For Kristen, the first week is a nightmare. She meets a cute guy at abeer blast, goes home with him, and is a victim of date rape. Singleton's handling of this scene is perceptive; he shows the outcome predicted even in its earliest stages "You think we should let Kristen go with Billy?

It shows Billy's own confusion, and the way booze contributes to it. And it sets up a subplot, as the shattered Kristen is befriended by Taryn Jennifer Connelly , head of a feminist group and a lesbian who Kristen will eventually consider as a possible lover. Taryn doesn't "recruit" Kristen exactly, although she has her eye on her.

The first night that Kristen seems attracted, Taryn even warns her: "Don't say yes simply because you're fascinated. Malik, the black student, is soon in conversation with Fudge Ice Cube , a "professional student" who has been on campus six years and affects an Afrocentric position. And Remy, the scared young white kid with the confused eyes, is singled out by a clever, demented neo-Nazi skinhead Cole Hauser who correctly guesses he might be capable of violence.

Each of these older students is supporting a position. Fudge sees himself at war with white America, and quizzes Malik on whether he would stand during the National Anthem "in a football stadium, with 60, eyes on you.

The skinhead envisions race war as a worthy goal, believes the campus is a good place to start, and suspects his freshman recruit might be crazy enough to pull a trigger. Standing apart from all of these factions, in a performance all the more effective because it is so subtle, is Laurence Fishburne as Professor Phipps. He persists in seeing each student as an individual, apart from his or her group. Although the typical depiction of fraternities and sororities exists in Higher Learning , the more unorthodox analysis is central to the storyline.

A frustrated Malik gravitates towards a group of similarly disenchanted black students guided by the militant Afrocentrism of their de facto leader, super-senior Fudge Ice Cube. Fudge quizzes the young track star about why he's attending Columbus, asking if he'd stand up in a football stadium while the national anthem is sung. Shortly after, Malik begins viewing the world through Fudge's eyes. Alienation, lack of exposure to diversity, and anger make Remy susceptible to violence, something Scott Cole Hauser recognizes.

He recruits him into his Aryan Brotherhood faction, giving him the lone thing he was unable to find elsewhere: kinship. Abuse at the hands of his "survivalist" father made him a sleeper cell for vehemence, which the fear and isolation he felt at Columbus activated.

Scott and his aggregate of bigots provide Remy with encouragement. His official indoctrination into their fraternity of hate is to carry out the shooting which takes place during Higher Learning 's tragic denouement.

Just as Higher Learning zeroes in on three characters, it pivots on an equal number of heavy themes: racism, sexual assault, and school shootings. Instances of racial profiling by police arise often in Higher Learning. The world is just two weeks removed from a year in which several unarmed African-Americans were killed during encounters with police.


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