When is slimming world free

Skip to sub navigation. Skip to content. Skip to footer. Register your group card. Consultants' log in. The freedom to enjoy healthy takes on the food you love - like curry and rice, burgers, pasta dishes and still lose weight. The freedom to make your own choices — to eat in or to eat out, and to take control. And best of all — freedom from the habits and pitfalls that used to hold you back.

Find out how below Enjoy delicious, satisfying healthy meals you can make with everyday ingredients - no weighing, no measuring and no counting calories. In group and online, our Consultants and your fellow members are there to support you every step of the way. Take control of your weight loss in one of our warm and friendly community groups. Research proves that when you're in it together, everyone achieves greater success! Find out more. Would you love a taste of Slimming World?

Free 7-day eating plan. Slimming World and your Consultant will use your personal information to help you to lose weight and then maintain your weight loss — and this information will always be kept safe and private. If you ever experience any difficulties with your Consultant and we hope this never happens! Please have your membership card number to hand if you call us, or quote it on any email correspondence.

Each week, as you get weighed, please confirm your weight change by looking at the digital scales. We reserve the right to change group fees from time to time.

We endeavour always to deliver excellent value for money. While we endeavour to keep every Slimming World group open 52 weeks of the year, we reserve the right to close a group at any time, without liability to the member. Skip to main navigation Skip to sub navigation Skip to content Skip to footer.

Join today Register your group card. Home How does it work? What can I eat? Recipes Real-life stories Special offers Our story Blog. We promise you that You will always be treated with respect, kindness and care. Is Slimming World safe for everyone? What happens now?

A bit more small print! We'll ask you to weigh in each time you attend to keep an eye on that all-important target. As long as you come to group once every two months, your free access to LifelineOnline continues too. And if you do move outside of the 3lb target range, don't worry, it's all part of the journey.

If it takes you a little longer than a week to return to your target range, we'll ask you to begin paying your weekly group fee again and benefit from all the support and motivation we provide in IMAGE Therapy that helped you lose weight in the first place.

Setting a new lower target weight: If you reach your Personal Achievement Target and decide you'd like to lose more weight you can set a new target. Unless you'd just like to fine-tune your very final dream target by a pound or two, we ask that your new target is at least 7lbs lower than your last one.

While you're getting there, we'll ask you to pay the weekly group fees so we can provide the support you need in IMAGE Therapy, to keep you committed to group and heading toward your new weight loss target. For your safety, we do have minimum weights that we will accept as a personal target see page If you choose the lowest acceptable target weight: If you choose the lowest acceptable weight as your target ie a BMI of 20 and your weight falls 3lbs below this, we'll help you return to within your target range without charging any weekly group fees.

If, after four weeks, you haven't returned to your target range, our concern will be for your ongoing health and wellbeing.


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