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About Mesoscale Discussions. Nine fixed regional sectors and a national sector provide hourly gridded mesoanalysis graphics across the CONUS. Northeast Sector. Special Weather Statements. Preliminary Local Storm Report. Area Forecast Discussion. Hazardous Weather Outlook. Research Local Science and Research. Safety Connecticut Alerts Mass. Please Contact Us. Please try another search. Multiple locations were found.

Please select one of the following:. Location Help. News Headlines. Get ready for Fall weather hazards by visiting our Fall Safety website! October Precipitation Map and Reports available U. Winter Outlook Customize Your Weather. Privacy Policy. Severe Weather Weather. Site Map. Discussions Conv. Outlooks Tstm. Products Forecast Tools Svr. Probabilistic to Categorical Outlook Conversion Table. Forecast Discussion. The La Nina is getting colder than expected in the equatorial Pacific, making its influence on the Winter season more certain.

The latest forecast calls …. Welcome to Severe Weather Europe page! An Umpteenth Wretched Year for Glaciers in the Alps, while a lot of Residual Winter Snow still Covered a few alpine sectors in early October Although summer was extremely hot in the South East Alps with a value that ranks ninth among the hottest summers of the last ….


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